Fans First

One of the primary philosophies that drives our company is a Fans First mentality. This philosophy operates on multiple levels. We, as comic creators, were fans first, and our fandom drives much of what we want to publish. Additionally, we want to put our fans first, because you are what drive us to continue publishing what we want to publish – we want to share our joy with you. Which brings us to the point of this site.

While our goal is to continue publishing comic books, this site is about so much more than that. This goal of this site is to create a community of comic book fans, who want to discuss our favorite funny books. We’re going to offer reviews and columns from not only our staff, but also guest contributors and writers. And we encourage you to join in the conversation. Together, we can celebrate this hobby that has brought so much joy to many of us over the years.

So, join us, won’t you?