Time Flies!
September 4, 2017
Has it really been a year?
And what a year it has been! We finished and then re-finished Zing#2, released a special edition of Zing #1, taught a comics class, launched a massive cross-over on “Forces of Good and Evil”, published a handful of mini-comics and attended several comic-cons! Man, you’d think with all that activity we would find some time to write a little about it on or humble ‘blog, right?
Don’t you judge me!
But in all seriousness, we haven’t, just haven’t, gotten this blog together. So, for whatever reason, today we return to the ‘blog to talk, randomly about things IC related.
First, we are excited to return to the Monument Mall, Scottsbluff NE, for another Coins, Cards, and Collectables Show. It is happening on September , from 10A until we 5P. Last year was fun as we shared a table with “Forces” artist Rolf Gerdau. Not sure if Rolf is joining us on the 23rd or not, but time will tell!

Speaking of Rolf, he has been knocking them out of the park, whether on mini-comics or coloring books, or on “Forces”. In case you don’t follow, we are still telling our Chad opus–outlining summer vacation and Chad’s search for his mother’s mysterious past! The current chapter, Plain History, is part travelogue, part cyber-fantasy, and features guest star, cameos, and crossovers with five other contemporaneous webcomics: “Cortland”, “Netrek”, “Super University”, and “The Adventures of Seth and Murphy “(and a brief cameo from “Elf Only Inn“) This story is a kick and a half to write and great to see drawn.
For those of you in vista-ready Colorado, we will also be making an appearance at the Rocky Mountain Con out by the airport. The Con is the last weekend in September, and we are pretty stoked! we hope to have two new products ready for this outing, too: a long form coloring book adventure starring “Forces” darling Rapunzel; and and Expositioner mini-comic with art by Barry Tetz! And all that event is going down the weekend of 9/30.
That following weekend we will be back in the home stomping grounds! We are co-hosting Scottsbluff’s first ever nerd fest and Mini-Con. The High Plains Mini-Con will feature a handfull of local indie comics and nerd-content creators, and will be located at center court of the Monument mall. We are also hosting a handful of panels and live music! The highligjht of the day, aside from supporting indie comics, will be a talk by comics legend Ron Fortier about the history of the superhero in American literature!
We are still working out details, but watch this space for news! So mark down October 7th, 10A-5P on your calendar, and swing by the Monument Mall, for the best in comicbooking in the Panhandle and beyond! And don’t forget, the event is free!