January 12, 2016
The real world has sadly interfered with my best of intentions. So it was last week that I meant to get this written and posted and celebrated. After all, last week was sort of a big deal here on the IC homestead. It was ten years ago—3rd January 2006—that we published the first page of Forces of Good and Evil. To me, that made last Sunday a big deal—for a decade we have been telling stories about these crazy high-schoolers.
When we started, it was just Chris and me, and it was just a vehicle to introduce people to our universe—a place were super heroes ended WW2, where alien technology had given us unlimited energy, and where the US Department of Education trained super -heroes and -villains! That first story was crude and rough and kinda ugly, but it will always have a special place in my heart. In the left ventricle.
Sunday last was a big deal for me for another reason, too. It was the launch of a new story, restarting Forces after a year long hiatus (for those of you who wonder what ever happened to Buckskin Boone— don’t fret. That tale will be finished soon!) Leading the charge on this new six pager, is our new fill-in artist, Taliesin Reese. A young fella with a lot of talent, it has been a real joy working with him; and page three of his debut story posted today.
Chris already wrote a little about this on drop day, but this is mine! “Meanwhile…The Other Lenny” focuses on two of our background characters. Lenny was assigned as Greg’s henchman way back in “The Most Evil Villain of all Time, Ever” (specifically here).
The Anthrax sprung out of a cheap joke, but a nod to The Muppet Movie, that we stuck into “Disco Fever.” He and Lenny both returned in “Day in the Life, Pt 1,” but The Anthrax really has a moment to shine in “Demon’s Diary,” if I do say so. But this, this story is Lenny’s moment.
Anyway, that was my trip through the past and looking into the future. I hope you all enjoyed it, and Happy Reading!