When I think of Ideal Comics by DELW

When I think of Ideal Comics by DELW

May 12, 2016 0 By The Ideal Comics Team

When I think of Ideal Comics, I think of two words: Genuine and Inspiring. Ideal’s founders, Chris and Rhys, are true fans of fiction and it shows. I have always seen the pair as an invaluable and willing resource for all things comic/sci-fi/nerd related. Their passion for world/character building goes far beyond merely knowing the minutiae of any given comic book. It permeates their dedication to creating their own living breathing fictional universe, “Escher’s World.” For every character of theirs you see or read you can bet there is a mile’s worth of backstory. No matter how big or small, whether it is a throwaway gag or an entire series, every character has a history, every event has a purpose, and every effect has a cause. Chris and Rhys have grown up immersing themselves in the world of fiction and their dedication to creating one of their own definitely shines through every project.

When I first encountered Ideal Comics, it was through the adventures of Chad Little and Greg Mason in Forces of Good and Evil. The webcomic completely blew my mind! Since I was a kid, I have always wanted to create stories—books, movies, cartoons, comics, whatever. But there always seemed to a mystery in the process. How does an idea go from point A to point B and turn into a completed project? How does your imagination become reality? For me, Ideal Comics revealed that magic. They showed me that all you had to do to see your dreams come true was have a little bit of gumption. When I first saw the simple black and white format of Forces, I remember immediately having the epiphany “Wow! You can create stories without spending millions of dollars or compromising your ideas!” That has been a very important and invaluable lesson that I have always cherished and will always owe to Chris and Rhys.

Darby Ellis Lewis Wilson is a thinker and writer, and co-creator of the  Super University for College Kids.

(Editor’s Note from 2020: Grace and Milo from the Super U were guests in “Olde Sk001” from Forces of Good and Evil)